Here is what we are doing in order to protect your privacy:
This site is hosted on a single, independent server. It is accessed only by qualified Furniture From USA Furniture Warehouse
This site is secured by the respected SSL security licensing. You can verify this by looking at the https on the top of all pages where personal information is shared. You will also find a little lock at the foot of your browser when SSL is being used.
All credit card information is encrypted & jumbled when being sent across the internet, in accordance to state and federal law. Our website not store any your credit card info all your payment will handle from our bank also no any employees in the company can see your credit card info.
The McAffee HackerSafe logo below demonstrates our daily commitment to ensuring you have a safe and secure shopping experience. If you feel more comfortable speaking with a live customer service rep by phone, please call us at 1-888-839-8595